art inspired by nature

Privacy Statement

This is a simple static website written entirely in HTML/CSS. There are no cookies, no scripts; the website itself collects no visitor information whatsoever.

Access Logs

The company that provides the web hosting service does log information about visitors to the site. This is done on a daily basis for statistical and security purposes.

Data collected include: date and time, IP address, IP address location, robot IDs, file types, errors, visited URLs, operating system and browser.

The web hosting service discards these data once processed, but copies are made available to me in either raw format or through the visualisation software AWSTATS. I do not make any use of these access logs, but I cannot prevent their collection. However, I have set up the part of the system over which I do have control such that:

(a) raw access logs are not archived (At most a few hour’s or a day’s worth of data are stored by the system. No historical access data are saved on my server space.)

(b) the AWSTATS data files are deleted every hour (so that the associated files are never on my server space for more than one hour and can never contain more than one hour’s worth of data).


If you contact me by email using the details on the website, I shall store your contact information and email content as required in order to communicate with you. Any such information can be deleted upon request.